So you 've learnt your scales and arpeggios and you 've got some cool licks under your bag. You 've even learnt some songs that seemed impossible to play in the past but still, you don't understand how it all comes into place when improvising. You cannot find a way to use the stuff you know in a
creative way that will stop you sounding like you're
"running up and down scales and arpeggios boxes".
You 're probably at the most frustrating phase of one 's guitar journey.
You are at a point where you can tell the difference by the detail.
You seek for excellence, you don't know exactly how to get there, and the over-information on the internet just makes it all worse.
The most common price for not having the right guidance is
wasted time and disappointment.
I can definitely save you from both, the same way I did with many students from 2010 until now, no matter what your genre of interest is.
I know that my - constantly updating - guitar method can help you achieve your goals and properly set you up for success if you really want to take your
playing to the next level.
So if you want to :
Learn all the needed techinques for the modern guitarist like legato, economy, hybrid, sweeping, tapping, alternate and the mindset behind each one of those so you can creatively used them,
Learn the most effective way to practice technique and build up speed,
Understand the modes and how to use them in any musical environment,
Turn your scales and arpeggios from boxes to musical tools of expression
- Learn improvisational techniques so that you take your playing to the next level,
- Finally learn how to use triads in the most usable and understandable way
Learn sus, add, 7th and more chords, and how they function so you can use them correctly on any musical enviroment regarding the musical style,
Learn how to easily target the chord tones of any chord and manipulate it's extensions so that create beautiful melodies,
Explore the foundations of groove ,groupings and syncopation, so that you can unlock one of the most important aspects of rhythm, lead guitar playing and music in general,
Learn how to record yourself, write your own backing tracks, and explore the foundations of orchestration,
Improve your phrasing, so that you can finally sound like a pro,
Learn music theory and harmony in the most understandable and applicable way, so you can identify why the music that you like sounds so good, and why not even use these information to begin or advance your own course on songwriting,
So if you want to become the best guitarist that you can be,
Fill in the contact form below to book our first lesson and
let the journey begin!